Our Team

Sue Brady

Available: Mon, Wed, Thur 8:30am – 1pm

Sue is your first point of contact at Talking Fish Therapies on the reception desk. She has a wealth of experience in administration and has previously worked at another allied health practice, working with speech pathologists and occupational therapists.

Sue is passionate about health and safety. In her spare time Sue enjoys walking her dog, reading, gardening, and music (particularly hip hop/R&B!).

Kath Langmead
Allied Health Assistant

Available: Sat 10am – 4pm

Kath is currently studying a Bachelor of Speech Pathology (hons) at La Trobe University, with expected completion in 2026.

She previously trained and worked in horticulture from 2010 before taking a break to focus on parenting.

She is thoroughly enjoying all of the new knowledge that comes along with each new subject, and is currently struggling to settle on particular areas of clinical interest because they all seem so fascinating to work with, from swallowing disorders and hearing loss to autistic and neurodivergent communication styles, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to voice modification for gender affirmation or for acting. 

In her personal time, she enjoys spending time with her daughter especially attending musicals and ballets together, snorkelling at local beaches, playing a range of board games and meeting up with friends to go for walks while playing Pokemon Go together. She also enjoys utilising her prior horticulture training to grow her own food and is working on learning new ways to preserve home grown foods.

Vinuji Leelarathna
Allied Health Assistant

Available: Sat 10am – 4pm

Vin is a new Allied Health Assistant starting with us in 2024 and we hope to have her profile on our website soon!

Sally Rush 

Speech Pathologist 

Clinical Interests: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), early language development, speech and language disorders, rehabilitation  

Availabilities: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

In 2017 Sally graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Linguistics) from the University of Melbourne and has been busy with her studies since. Sally has completed a Master of Speech Pathology at the University of Melbourne in 2020.

During 2020 she completed her placement at Talking Fish Therapies and has become a valued member of our team.

In her personal time, she enjoys drinking coffee and keeping fit with walks, playing netball and general exercise.

Danielle Watkins
Speech Pathologist and Business Owner
Clinical Interests: Auslan, multilingualism, disabilities, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), early language

Available: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri

Danielle completed her Bachelor of Arts majoring in Linguistics and a Master of Speech and Language Pathology in 2015.

While studying she worked as a Disability Support Worker and has been a speech pathologist since. Once completing her studies she has worked at Nepean Special School, Melbourne & Peninsula Speech Pathology, Bellfield Speech Pathology, and Scope.

In 2018 Danielle decided to take her own path and created Talking Fish Therapies (originally Talking Fish Speech Pathology) which had been a dream of hers.

In her personal time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and daughter, volunteering as a firefighter with the Country Fire Authority (CFA), camping, reading, and sewing.